Digital Project Design and Implementation

Wednesday, June 24, 10:00am-2:00pm and Friday, June 26, 10:00am-12:30pm

Based on the tools and approaches discussed in the previous workshops, you will identify and develop an assignment for an upcoming course. You will draft the assignment, work with staff to learn the basics of the technology, test-run the assignment, discuss assessment for non-traditional projects, share your ideas with others in the workshop, and determine a path forward for implementation. Instructors will be available via Zoom on Thursday, June 25 to help with any technical questions that arise.

Workshop Details

Wednesday, June 24, 10:00am-2:00pm


  • Introductions (15 min)
  • Why Digital Projects? (15 min)
  • What Do You Need? (15 min)
  • Scaffolding the Project (30 min)
  • Assignment Development (30 min)
  • Break for Lunch (30 min)
  • Breakout Session (90 min)
  • Regroup and Homework

Links & Handouts

Instructors & Moderators

  • Justina Elmore, Outreach Librarian, Political Science, Psychology and Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies
  • Meaghan Moody, Immersive Technologies Librarian, DSL
  • Sarah Pugachev, Director, Research Initiatives,
  • Josh Romphf, Digital Scholarship Programmer, DSL
  • Emily Sherwood, Director, Digital Scholarship Lab,
  • Blair Tinker, GIS Specialist, DSL

Further Reading

Need Help?

This is just a start. We’re happy to help you discuss your site, find resources, and facilitate training. Feel free to reach out to the Digital Scholarship Lab or contact your Outreach Librarian.